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Aimee Bruederle

Aimée Bruederle serves as a grants officer supporting the Hewlett Foundation’s Global Development and Population Program. Prior to joining the Hewlett Foundation, Aimée was the grants manager for the Tides Foundation, where she provided grantmaking expertise for a complex grant portfolio focused on international policy change and advocacy in fields including reproductive health and women’s empowerment. She also worked at Independent Television Service where, among many other tasks, she managed a travel program for an international filmmakers’ annual conference. Prior to her career in philanthropy, she worked in human resources and project management in the Silicon Valley. Aimée has recently served as the regional co-chair of the Grants Managers Network, a national affinity group for grants management, and on the board of ACCESS Women’s Health Justice. She obtained a business degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and is getting a master in public health from Johns Hopkins University.