Grants Managers Network is accepting abstracts for papers to be published in the Fall 2016 issue of GMNsight: Advancing Grantmaking, the professional journal of grantmaking and the grants management profession.
The issue theme is Successful Structures, based on GMN’s work to identify the trends in grantmaking organizations that lead to better outcomes when grantmaking practice is placed closer to organizational strategy.
This issue of GMNsight is being co-edited by Jessica Bearman.
Members of GMN are especially encouraged to consider writing for the GMNsight journal as a way of sharing their expertise with the field and advancing the reputation of all grants managers as thought leaders.
Article pitches should be at least 250 words and should include a statement of belief on the topic being presented, examples of references or source materials to be accessed, and qualities that will make the article unique and compelling for a broad audience of grantmaking professionals. Articles may mention or present sample use/results from various grants management software, tools, and other systems, but may not be purely promotional in content.
Story pitches and papers are considered on a rolling basis from September 15 – November 30 for publication from October 1 – December 31. Please see our writer’s guidelines for ideas on how to craft a compelling paper.
Please submit story pitches and questions to Nikki Powell at
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