Issue 3: Social Media


“Social media isn’t going anywhere,” says commenter Gina Dotson, “so we may as well learn how to use it.”

That alone could be the theme of this issue of GMNsight: Advancing Grantmaking. Just a few years ago, social media was a new invention; now, it’s the way of the world and, increasingly, the way of the world of philanthropy. But what does it mean for grantmaking?

First and foremost, grantmakers must embrace social media as another tool in their arsenal or risk falling behind the practices of nonprofits and grantseekers. Funders must also come to terms with answers to questions about whether, why, and how to integrate social media into their existing practices or—more likely—overhaul their practices to be more effective with the addition of social media.

In this issue of GMNsight: Advancing Grantmaking we have included several perspectives on why and how to use social media to advance the work of philanthropy. We also asked some social media experts for their tips on how to get started and where to go first in the landscape that’s changing every day.